IFAA Meeting and Free Breakfast July 17 at Red Baron! 8 am to 10:30 am
Finally. Looks as if we are starting to see the impacts of COVID-19 fade in the rearview mirror. I know everyone is looking forward to moving back into all our normal life activities. As we start to get cleared to taxi out for social gatherings we would like to get back to the mission we had in mind for the Idaho Falls Airport Association.
As you may recall, we started the IFAA back in January 2020, just before the start of this whole pandemic mess. As we restart our efforts today we are still facing the same set of issues and opportunities at IDA that we wanted to address last year. While 16 months of the calendar have slipped past us, our opportunity to work on improving IDA has not.
Our first meeting and free pancake breakfast will be held at the Red Baron hangar on July 17 from 8 to 10:30am. We would like to welcome everyone with an interest in IDA to come, regardless of whether you are an active IFAA member or not. During this meeting we plan to discuss our organization's first three biggest opportunities. These important projects are:
Providing input on the update of the IDA Master Plan
I-15/US 20 Connector Study - Potential impact to 17-35
Red Barron hangar historical restoration and renovation project
Your participation in the meeting and willingness to give input on these projects are important to the success and future improvement of IDA.
On behalf of all the IFAA board members we wish you safe flying and hope you can join us for this important first annual membership meeting.
Thank You,
Steve Laflin
Idaho Falls Airport Association
As you may be aware the Idaho Falls airport is just beginning the process of updating the ten year Master Plan. The Master Plan is an extensive review of the airport and includes an assessment of, and planning for, the following:
Inventory of Existing Airport Conditions
Aviation Activity Forecasts
Demand/Capacity Analysis
Facility Requirements and Identification of Issues
Definition and Evaluation of Airport Development Alternatives
Environmental Overview of Proposed Development
Airport Layout Plan
Capital Improvement Program
The updated Master Plan will determine the direction the airport takes for the next 10 years. Obviously, the decisions made during this process can positively, or negatively, impact all of us and our ability to utilize IDA. These plans can set the tone for the next decade regarding the overall status of GA and establishing a proper balance between commercial airlines and the needs and interests of the broader GA community.
For this review process the City of Idaho Falls is establishing a Master Plan Review Committee and the Idaho Falls Airport Association (IFAA) has been invited to have a seat on this committee. This is an important decision by the City of Idaho Falls to include GA’s input in this planning process and we need to make the most of this opportunity.
I will be representing the IFAA on the Master Plan Review committee. In order for this review process to be most effective the IFAA will be forming our own Master Plan review team to be responsible for plan reviews and to collect comments from all of the IFAA members. I will ensure that the IFAA Master Plan review team’s comments are considered in the development of the Master plan and I will also be providing feedback to IFAA members on a real time basis on the progress of the Master Plan update and how our comments are being addressed.
As I’ve already said, this is an important opportunity for GA and the future direction of the Idaho Falls airport. If the airport and its future design are important to you I would like to ask you to do two things.
First, if you have not already become a member of the IFAA, now is the time to join. Annual membership is $50 and can be paid by mailing your check to our street address: IFAA, 3270 E. 17th St. #207, Ammon, ID 83406-6758. Alternately you may mail your check directly to our treasurer, Steve Henderson, 3550 S. 58th W, Idaho Falls ID 83402. If convenience is your thing, you may also pay using PayPal to It is only through a strong membership in IFAA that GA can gain a higher profile in the decision making process at IDA.
Second, plan to participate in the review process either by becoming a member of the IFAA review team or by planning to provide comments on the Master Plan to the IFAA.
The first public meeting on the Master Plan review process has not been set but is expected to be held sometime around the Thanksgiving holiday period. When the public notice for this meeting is sent out the IFAA will make sure you hear about it. The overall Master Plan process is expected to last about 18 months and there will be a series of public meetings held during this process. While individual public comments are always important every new member in the IFAA helps add weight to the IFAA’s representation of GA at IDA.
Thank you very much for your interest and support of the Idaho Falls Airport Association.
Steve Laflin
Idaho Falls Airport Association